About us

Our vision
To magnify the kingdom of God on earth, by announcing and sharing with our community and the world the Good News of salvation; engaging the Word of God to create an environment that brings freedom to the oppressed and consolation and joy to the distressed soul; singing of praise instead of despair; and teaching families of the word of God so that they are fully prepared to take part in the good work.
our mission
Bring the good news of the kingdom of God to the poor in spirit, the brokenhearted, the captives, the blind, the oppressed, the sick, the depressed and every person on the face of the earth by all available means.
To train, equip and help each disciple to discover and fulfill God's purpose, call and will for his life; Bringing him to know his identity as a son, with rights, privileges, inheritance and responsibilities within the kingdom of God.
To lead every believer to be a disciple and a strong leader in the kingdom of God, based on the values ​​of the Kingdom and the word of God; Thus renewing their mentality so that their total being is transformed into spirit, soul and body.
To commission each leader and disciple to do the will of God and reach his destination, carrying the Kingdom wherever he goes. Send leaders with powerful weapons to spread the kingdom of God by force, casting out demons, healing the sick, making signs, miracles, wonders and wonders; Resurrecting the dead, preaching, teaching and prophesying the mysteries of the Kingdom, to bring about reform and an impact on society. With the ultimate purpose of transferring a legacy of blessing, prosperity and justice to the next generations.
our pastors:

Raul Colon
Lead Pastor

Johanny Colon
Lead Pastor